The first copies of "Why We Need Trains" 
The Short Line & Regional Railroads version was released on Apirl 7, 2019 at ASLRRA Connections 2019 in Orlando, Florida. It will also be distributed at "Railroad Day on the Hill" in Washington, DC on May 8, 2019.  The booklet is 16 pages, 5.5"x8.5" in size and in 6 pages of illustrations & words by Andy Fletcher it tells why we all need trains to deliver the goods we need everyday.   


"Why We Need Trains" 

Short Line & Regional Railroad version

Written & Illustrated by Andy Fletcher

The first copies of "The ABC's of America's Short Line & Regional Railroads" will be released on May 8th at "Railroad Day on the Hill" in Washington, DC. Will you be attending to get your gift of a signed copy?  If your railroad is not in this printing check my website to see if I've drawn your railroad. Email me for information about being included in the next printing of the book or for information on purchasing copies of the book or placing an ad in the book. The book is 32 pages and 5.5"x8.5" in size.

The 2019 edition of "The ABC's of America's Short Line & Regional Railroads" is dedicated to Joseph H. Boardman, Amtrak President & CEO 2008-2016. 

"The ABC's of America's Short Line and Regional Railroads" will be released May 8th 2019 at "Railroad Day on the Hill"




The first copies of "The ABC's of America's Short Line & Regional Railroads" will be released on May 8th at "Railroad Day on the Hill" in Washington, DC. Will you be attending to get your gift of a signed copy?  If your railroad is not in this printing check my website to see if I've drawn your railroad. Email me for information about being included in the next printing of the book or for information on purchasing copies of the book or placing an ad in the book. The book is 32 pages and 5.5"x8.5" in size. 

Click the front or back cover to view the pages of "The ABC's of America's Short Line & Regional Railroads"